Fifty educators have been invited as VIPs to the Independence Day celebration at Red Fort
Fifty educators have been invited as VIPs to the Independence Day celebration at Red Fort

Teachers from Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanghathan and Central Board of Secondary Education schools have been invited as “Special Guests” to attend the 77th Independence Day event at the Red Fort in New Delhi on August 13.

According to the Ministry of Education, the Department of School Education and Literacy has invited fifty school teachers who have shown exceptional passion and commitment to their disciplines in order to develop and nurture young minds. Teachers from Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanghathan and Central Board of Secondary Education institutions all throughout the nation are represented.


The ministry said that the distinguished visitors would participate in a two-day programme on August 14 and 15, and that their agenda will include events that capture the spirit of the nation’s legacy and growth.

The Ministry of Education further noted that the August 14 trip to India Gate, the War Memorial, and Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya will be among the highlights of the programme.

On the same day, they will visit the Kartavya Path to honour the brave troops who have defended the nation’s independence.

Those there will never forget the bravery and selflessness of these heroes. Those interested in learning more about the lives and legacies of the visionary leaders who have impacted India’s course may go to Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya on Teen Murti Marg in New Delhi. The Union Minister of State, Rajkumar Ranjan Singh, would thereafter meet with the invited School Teachers for an interactive session in New Delhi, the Ministry of Education said.

On August 15, people will celebrate Independence Day with a ceremony at the Red Fort, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi will unfurl the tricolour flag to the rousing sounds of the national song.

As part of the celebrations for Independence Day, the Department of School Education and Literacy is presenting awards to deserving educators in honour of the important role they play in shaping the country’s future.

The nation’s thanks to them for the essential role they play in passing on information, values, and skills to the next generation is the motivation behind this move, the ministry said.



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