Police in Anantnag detain a man for unlawfully extorting money from locals
Police in Anantnag detain a man for unlawfully extorting money from locals

A senior official in Aligarh has confirmed that four AMU students were charged on Monday for organising and leading a protest march on campus in support of the Palestinian cause.

Police have arrested many kids, but only four have been identified, according to a statement released by City SP R. Shekhar Pathak.


The students have been charged under three distinct sections of the Indian Penal Code: 153 A (promoting enmity between various groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, language, etc.), 188 (disobedience to an order validly proclaimed by a public servant), and 505 (statements encouraging public mischief).

Disgruntled AMU students marched from Duck Point to Babey Sir Syed Gate on campus late Sunday night.

According to the police, the protesters did not have authorization to march. According to the FIR, the student protest was in “support” of a “terrorist group.”

Pathak claimed that four students, identified as Aatif, Khalid, Kaamran, and Naved Chaudhry, were mentioned in the FIR.

Aligarh’s BJP representative, Satish Gautam, issued a statement in which he stated he had requested that the police and the AMU acting vice chancellor crack down hard on the demonstrators.

The campus’s security measures have been increased for further safety.

On Saturday morning, Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, launched a shocking and unprecedented strike on southern Israel.

In the bloodiest conflict for Israel in at least 50 years, over 700 people, including soldiers, have been killed and over 2,100 wounded.



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