The transfer grievance of an employee with a medical impairment may be kindly viewed: CAT to Govt
The transfer grievance of an employee with a medical impairment may be kindly viewed: CAT to Govt

Srinagar Sep. 9: General non-bailable warrants under sections 299/512, 25 Police Act, and 73 CRPC were issued by a designated and Special Court in Srinagar under the NIA Act. These warrants were followed by proclamation orders dated under section 82CrPC against four active terrorists.

Four active terrorists, Umais Ahmed Wani of Chawalgam Kulgam, Basit Ahmed Dar of Redwani Kulgam, Owais Ferooz of Frestbal Pampore, and Momin Gulzar of Firdose Colony Iddgah Srinagar, were issued non-bailable warrants and proclamation orders following the establishment of their involvement in “case FIR numbers 127/2022 under section 13, 18, 20, 38, and 39 UA(P


Through these instructions, the Court has instructed the accused to come before it within 30 days of the date of publication of the proclamation; otherwise, a process under Section 83 of the Criminal Procedure Code would be started against them.

The contents of the proclamation orders were also explained to the family members of the accused people in plain English, and they affirmed that they had understood it. The proclamation orders were posted in a prominent area of their homes.



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