Friday prayers led by the head of the Muslim World League at Jama Masjid | highlights from the Khutba
Nadia Farooq

The Shahi Imam of Delhi’s Jama Masjid, Ahmed Bukhari, met with Al-Issa before Friday prayer.


Notable points from the Khutba of Dr. Mohammad bin Abdulkarim al Issa


Muslim scholars frown against hypocrisy. Truthfulness is essential for Muslims.

In Islam, integrity is highly valued.

A Muslim’s treatment towards others is obligatory.

Extremism has no place in Islam.

It’s important that we look out for our neighbours.

Islam instructs its followers to have universal compassion.

Islam is based on the principle of safeguarding humankind.

The Islamic message is universal and inclusive.

A believer follows the one true way.

A person who really believes must be kind.

Those who choose a violent road will fail.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa, secretary general of the Muslim World League, is in India for five days and prayed at the Jama Masjid on Friday, July 14.

The Shahi Imam of Delhi’s Jama Masjid, Ahmed Bukhari, met with Al-Issa before Friday prayer.

On Thursday, the president of the International Islamic Halal Organisation spent three hours at the Swaminarayan Akshardham, reaffirming his opinion that India is a beautiful example of Unity in Diversity.

He visited the shrine, which attracts people from all over the world, and stated, “My visit to Akshardham — a place of worship, full of love, peace, and harmony — sums up India as a great example of Unity in Diversity.”

Al-Issa noted the magnificent gift of Akshardham to the globe via its art, architecture, culture, and ideals. In addition, “it was also his personal desire to interact with the Swamis regarding world peace, harmony, and coexistence,” as stated in a news release.

On Wednesday, President Droupadi Murmu received a visit from the Secretary General of the Muslim World League.

The President of India made the point that India is a multicultural country that values variety in all its forms.

“With over 200 million of our Muslim brothers and sisters, India is home to the world’s second-largest Muslim population,” she proudly said.

Later that day, on Wednesday, Al-Issa spoke at a forum titled “Dialogue for Harmony among Religions,” which was hosted in India with the help of the Global Foundation for Civilizational Harmony.

He spoke highly of Indian culture and heritage, which he said had taught the world to live in peace, and he expressed his respect for India’s democracy and Constitution.

I admire the Indian democracy, I salute the Constitution of India,” Al-Issa stated, praising Indian thought and culture. I respect India’s contributions to global peace via its philosophies and traditions.

He also made a call to religious leaders, urging them to take responsibility for the welfare of the next generation.

Problems and misunderstandings are inevitable if two people fail to communicate with one another. Therefore, it is crucial that a channel of communication be established. Al-Issa argued that the best way to avoid a civilizational war was to raise and educate children together.

Al-Issa, an Islamic scholar and prominent figure in international affairs, echoed this call to reject narratives that promote religious intolerance and a conflict of civilizations.

On Tuesday, while in India, Al-Issa met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi to discuss strengthening the relationship between India and Saudi Arabia, as well as advancing the interfaith discourse, fighting extremist ideas, supporting world peace, and more. (Based on feedback from the Advisory Group)



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