"If the merger of J&K had been entrusted to Sardar Patel, the problem of Article 370 wouldn't have arisen"

The 31st of October, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), India (ANI): The ‘Run for Unity’ was launched in Lucknow on the birthday of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh. The former prime minister’s efforts to unite independent princely states after 1947 were also emphasised

“Under this campaign, the youth will be given an opportunity and a platform to engage in nation-building activities,” he added during his speech. We hope to see many of you participate in this effort. Just this one little action on your part will go a long way towards realising Sardar Patel’s vision of a united and prosperous India for all its citizens. We should use this opportunity to honour the brave men and women who fought for India’s independence and the courageous leaders who saw it through.


Singh reflected on the efforts of former deputy prime minister Vallabbhai Patel to bring India together.

After India’s independence, the country was partitioned into 562 princely states. The princely states were given the option of merging with other states or remaining independent on purpose by the British. The challenges that Sardar Patel, as Home Minister, would have faced at such a time are hard to fathom in light of today. Singh said that “it was because of Sardar Patel’s foresight and his diplomatic and strategic ability that India’s unity and integrity could be ensured.”

According to Singh, the BJP is always working to honour Vallabbhai Patel.

We’re working hard to honour Sardar Patel the way he should have been honoured from the start. In his role as National President of the BJP, Singh said, “I launched off the inaugural ‘Run for Unity’ in Delhi in 2013.

He said, “Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has installed a statue of Sardar Patel in Kevadiya, Gujarat, and it is named ‘Statue of Liberty.'” The monument stands at an impressive 182 feet tall.

On October 31, 2018, Prime Minister Modi dedicated the “Statue of Unity” to Sardar Patel.

It is widely observed as Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day) all throughout the nation on the anniversary of Sardar Patel’s birth.

The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, sent flowers to the Statue of Unity at Ekta Nagar, Gujarat’s Narmada, in honour of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel this morning. (ANI)



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