Dr. Farooq Abdullah advocates for communication between Pakistan and India
Dr. Farooq Abdullah advocates for communication between Pakistan and India

Srinagar, September 6: Dr. Farooq Abdullah, the president of the Jammu and Kashmir National Conference and a member of parliament from Srinagar, said on Wednesday that the BJP, the current government, is nonexistent in Kashmir and has lost all political clout in the Jammu Province as well.

He was speaking to party officials earlier today at the Nawa-e-Subha headquarters, according to a news statement. “Due to the BJP’s anti-people policies, it has lost political footing and importance in both Jammu and Kashmir provinces. They made a lot of promises to the residents of the Jammu region, but they didn’t keep them. People in the area felt deceived by BJP for betraying their confidence. People are suffering as a result of deteriorating roads, lengthy power outages, a lack of access to drinkable water, and severe teacher shortages in the schools, he said.


The National Conference would never let the “apologetic proxies of communal parties to divide people for their short-term, electoral, and political gains,” according to Dr. Farooq, who also noted that Jammu and Kashmir have withstood previous plots and schemes to dilute its distinctive culture and history.

He urged the party officials to increase public outreach and emphasise topics that affect the populace.



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