In Pattan village, a migrant laborer suffocates to death
In Pattan village, a migrant laborer suffocates to death

POONCH, 21 SEPTEMBER (KNO): In the Mendhar region of the Poonch district, a man beat his wife to death while still in custody, according to police, who reported this on Thursday. He used a hammer and sticks.

The lady was brutally beaten by her husband with sticks and a hammer, an official said to Kashmir News Observer (KNO). As a consequence, the woman died there and then.


According to what he stated, authorities had in their custody the corpse of a lady identified as Gunzafar Bi, the 55-year-old wife of Mohammad Khalil of Ari Mendhar.

He continued by saying that the accused has been apprehended and that a complaint has been filed in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.

According to the representative, the situation is still being investigated further—(KNO)



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