In Srinagar, a health camp has been organised
In Srinagar, a health camp has been organised

On September 9 in Srinagar, Safa Marwah Medical Centre held a free health camp on Soura’s 90-foot driveway.

As more than 500 patients arrived at this camp, free consultations, free investigations, and free medications were given them. Eight medical doctors from a variety of specialties offered free consultations in the OPDs.


Free blood tests, ECGs, BMDs, and many other screening tests were conducted at the Camp, and free medications were also given out. The health camp was attended by more than 500 patients from various locations of Srinagar and surrounding regions. Patients with the relevant diseases were evaluated by the physicians and given appropriate care.

According to Mufti Khawar, managing director of Safa Marwah, the camp was meticulously planned, attending to every little detail, and it got a resoundingly positive reception from the general population. “Under the Ayushman Bharat scheme, some of the patients who required additional surgical intervention will receive free hospital care.”

Additionally, he said that “we will be holding these camps quite frequently” in the future. Safa Marwah Medical Centre owner Dr. Nazira Farooq praised the pharmaceutical industry and the media for their assistance and support in making this camp a success.



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