India and Bharat are included in the Constitution, and each has their own rights: Omar Abdullah
India and Bharat are included in the Constitution, and each has their own rights: Omar Abdullah

6 September, Srinagar Omar Abdullah, a former chief minister, said on Wednesday that because both India and Bharat are recognised under the Constitution, everyone should be free to use either one.

He said that instead of burdening the nation with changing everything, if the government wants to rename India to Bharat because the opposition coalition is using it, then could rename the alliance.


The former chief minister said, “We use both names, and both are in the Constitution,” while speaking to reporters. People should be free to choose any one. It is best to keep both in the Constitution. How will they be removed from ISRO, SBI, IIT, and IM by the government? We shall alter the name of the alliance if we learn that they are renaming India to Bharat as a result of the coalition’s usage of the term. We are here to decrease spending in the nation, not raise it.

Abdullah said that they have no objections to the One Nation, One Election concept as long as it seeks to streamline the election procedure, but they won’t let it if it seeks to discredit regional parties.

Omar Abdullah criticised the Ladakh government, saying that the sentence of Rs. 1 lakh demonstrates their efforts to squander the court’s time and prevent the National Conference from using its emblem.



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