IUST shows live Viksit Bharat at 2047
IUST shows live Viksit Bharat at 2047

On December 11, 2012, in Awantipora, the National Service Scheme (NSS) Unit at the Islamic University of Science and Technology (IUST) put on a show called “Viksit Bharat @ 2047.”

Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister, gave a live online statement at the event, which was also attended by officers, members of the faculty (Deans, Directors, the Controller of Examinations, Heads of Departments), and excited NSS volunteers.


After the live broadcast, people had deep conversations in which they shared their thoughts on important issues like education, creativity, ecological development, and community involvement. The event covered a wide range of topics that gave a full picture of the many steps that need to be taken to reach the goal of Viksit Bharat in 2047.

Dr. Tariq A. Ganaie, who is the coordinator of NSS at IUST, was very important in getting students involved in programs like Viksit Bharat. He made it clear that this kind of participation fits with the university’s goal of making students into responsible, well-informed people who are ready to make good contributions to society.

Close PlayerUnibots.in Dr. Ganaie’s advice shows how important it is to be involved in projects and talks that help students and the community grow as a whole.

The event showed how committed the university is to teaching its students duty and understanding so that they can make active and important contributions to the growth and development of the country.

The deep conversations and thoughtful thoughts that happened during Viksit Bharat @2047 helped to make people in the IUST community more knowledgeable and socially aware.



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