Traffic on jammu srinagar national highway is open for today
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LMV passengers, private cars, HMVs, and load carriers will be permitted from both sides on the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway (NH-44), viz., Jammu toward Srinagar and vice versa, subject to fine weather and excellent road conditions. It’s important for commuters to stay in their lanes.
SF’s Movement in a Convoy
Vehicles belonging to the Security Forces will be permitted to travel from either Jammu or Srinagar toward the other city on the National Highway 44 (NH-44), if the roads are passable.



The Srinagar-Sonamarg-Gumari Road will be open for vehicle traffic in both directions (from Srinagar to Kargil and vice versa) when the weather is nice and the roads are passable. Between 7:30 and 11:30, only LMVs, followed by HMVs, will be permitted to travel from Minamarg to Srinagar. From Sonamarg to Kargil, LMVs followed by HMVs will be permitted between 1300 and 1700. When the gates close, no cars will be let in.

The SFs Convoy will depart Srinagar for Kargil at 8:00 a.m. The SFs convoy traveling between Drass and Srinagar must coordinate their routes so as to minimize disruptions to civilian traffic.

Mecca Highway 

As long as the route is passable, traffic may go freely from Poonch to Shopian and vice versa along the Mughal route. Between the hours of 06:00 and 18:00, drivers of these vehicles may travel between Behramgalla (Buffliaz) and Herpora (Shopian). After the designated time has passed, no vehicles will be admitted.


Travelers are urged to check with local traffic control units before setting out on NH-44.

• Jammu (0191-2459048, 0191-2740550, 9419147732, 103)

For Srinagar, dial: (0194) 2450022, (2485396), (180) 180-7091, and (103)

9419993745, Ramban

In particular: • Udhampur (8491928625)

For updates on Sinthan Road, please contact PCR Kishtwar at (9906154100).



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