600 Transit Accommodations to come-up for PM package employees in Kulgam’
600 Transit Accommodations to come-up for PM package employees in Kulgam’

The district government in Kulgam, South Kashmir, has announced the construction of around 600 apartments for transit guests.

According to the news outlet Kashmir News Observer (KNO), transit accommodation is now being built in the Kulgam district villages of Vessu, Mirhama, and Chowgam.


The official said that there will be a total of 1,920 units spread over 13 blocks in Vessu Qazigund and 12 blocks in Nihama and Chowgam.

“The cost of the project is projected to be Rs 22.95 crore in Mirhama and Rs 22.89 crore in Chowgam. According to him, the total price tag for the Vessu project is about Rs 64.62 crore.

He said that R&B and JKPCC had been brought on as executive agency for all three initiatives.

“Some of the construction is already completed, and the rest of the construction work will be completed in the next few months,” added the official.

According to him, these apartments are being built as part of the Prime Minister’s Reconstruction Plan (PMRP) for the Kashmiri Pandits.

He said that the shelters were set up to ensure the safety of Kashmiri Pandits.

We congratulate the government for taking this action. The building process will be finished as soon as possible, in my opinion. Sarpanch Chowgam Vijay Raina remarked, “We have great hopes from the government.

He emphasised the need of building these transit facilities for the reintegration of Kashmiri Pandits in the Valley.



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