Lt Governor Manoj Sinha today chaired a high-level meeting at Civil Secretariat
Lt Governor Manoj Sinha today chaired a high-level meeting at Civil Secretariat
Directs officials to check district indicators, create officer workshops, supervise delivery equipment, and execute all schemes on-site for 100% saturation.

On October 10th, a conference was held at the Civil Secretariat under the leadership of Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha to discuss the status of centrally sponsored schemes in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir.
Chief Secretary Dr. Arun Kumar Mehta, Additional Chief Secretary for the Home Department Sh. R. K. Goyal, Principal Secretary to the Lt. Governor Dr. Mandeep Kumar Bhandari, and a number of other administrative secretaries, division commissioners, deputy commissioners, and senior officials were also present.
All Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) were evaluated by the Lt Governor, who looked at how well they were doing and how much money had been spent on things like agriculture, education, health, social welfare, the livelihood mission, border area development, the Rurban mission, skill development, etc.
Transparency and rapid implementation have been crucial in facilitating J&K’s change during the last three years. For our Union Territory to achieve inclusive development and realise its full potential, it is essential that all funds allocated under the Government of India’s flagship projects be used in full, as stated by the Lt. Governor.
He gave orders for the authorities to keep tabs on the delivery equipment, hold workshops for Deputy Commissioners and District Officers, and keep tabs on the predetermined indicators at the district level.
To guarantee that all eligible people get services and that no one is left out, the Lt. Governor emphasised the need to put in the necessary work on the ground to achieve full saturation of all programmes.
For the initiatives to have the intended effect on the ground and for the social goals to be attained, “well-ordered functioning and implementation of the schemes, tracking, and monitoring the progress of various projects is crucial,” he added.
The Lt. Governor requested a thorough strategy from the departments to reduce downtime and free up funds.
He wanted to see the Labour and Employment Department propose a Srinagar hospital for ESIC workers.
Increased SEHAT Golden Card use at public hospitals is a priority for the Health Department.
The Principal Secretary of the Finance Department, Sh. Santosh D. Vaidya, provided an overview of the centrally sponsored schemes in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir.



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