Man hurt in
Man hurt in "animal attack" in Srinagar's Badamwari amid reports of seeing a leopard

Srinagar, July 21: The Wildlife department has increased surveillance in the area despite an increase in reports of leopard sightings in the Badamwari neighbourhood of Srinagar. On Friday morning, a man was injured by a “unidentified” animal.

An official informed the news outlet Kashmir News Observer (KNO) that they had received a report of an animal assault on a person this morning in the Badamwari area, and that when questioned about the identification of the animal that had attacked him, the victim was unable to identify or describe it.


He said, “We spoke to the victim who claimed that an unknown animal attacked him; there are injuries on his hand and knee, but he is unsure which animal attacked him.”

According to the source, they are investigating the claims and types of injuries.



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