meeting with representatives of major political groups held
meeting with representatives of major political groups held

26 September: Dr. Owais, the district’s election officer, met with members of all political parties in the area on Tuesday to address matters pertaining to the upcoming election.

The representatives of the political parties were informed at the meeting that the special summary revision is being carried out to update the electoral rolls in accordance with the instructions of the Election Commission of India.

The political parties were made aware of the procedure, advised on its reliability, and shown how openness had been included at every stage of the procedure.


They were also notified of polling station rationalisation, changes in location, pre-revision operations in addition to AMF in voting places, etc.

Officers instructed representatives of political parties regarding the updating of the data through Forms 6, 6A, 6B, 7, and 8.

Form 6 is only used to register new voters; Form 6A is used to add an overseas voter’s name to the electoral roll; Form 6B is used by voters to capture their Aadhaar numbers; and Form 7 is used to object to the proposed inclusion or deletion of a voter’s name from the electoral roll, with the minor modification that a provision for attaching a death certificate has been added.



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