Misdeeds that have gone uncorrected: Kavinder
Misdeeds that have gone uncorrected: Kavinder

8 August, Jammu: A prominent BJP leader and former Deputy Chief Minister has promised that historical wrongs would finally be righted.

A news release quotes him as saying, “All the earlier unaddressed wrongs shall be redressed in a time bound and fair manner.” This was spoken in response to a delegation of Kashmiri Pandit Migrants.


Kavinder Gupta was at the BJP headquarters in Jammu to handle grievance redressal with former MLA and J&K BJP Spokesperson RS Pathania, BJYM Prabhari Munish Sharma, and Executive Member Shailja Gupta.

The top BJP leaders met with the higher officials of the UT administration to discuss the daily difficulties that were brought to their attention by the different visiting individuals and deputations, the statement added.

Speaking to a Kashmiri delegation, Kavinder Gupta assured them that all outstanding issues will be resolved in due time. There is no place in the contemporary world for such limited thinking, he warned, therefore those who spread hatred will not be spared. He also said that the previous Congress, NC, and PDP regimes stoked social divisions for political gain by playing on people’s sensitive feelings. He praised SIA for bringing attention to the assassination of former session judge Neelkanth Ganjoo. If you have any information on his murder, it is imperative that you come forward now. The BJP leader assured reporters that their identities would be protected.



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