Time has passed since innocent people's blood was shed: DGP
Time has passed since innocent people's blood was shed: DGP

As part of Operation Capacity Building, Director General of Police (DGP) Dilbag Singh said on Wednesday that at least 43 police posts in J&K are getting the newest technology and other tools to help them get rid of any leftover terrorists in their areas.

According to the Kashmir News Observer (KNO), DGP Singh spoke at the passing-out cum attestation parade in the Sheeri area of the northern district of Baramulla. “We have started Operation Capacity Building,” he said. “Under this, 21 police stations have been strengthened and given the newest technology and other facilities to deal with the remaining terrorism.” He said the OCB would cover 22 more police posts to make sure that any leftover terrorism is gone from those places.


In honour of the 1601 police officers who have died in the last 30 years, the DGP said that 14000 new police officers were trained this year, and 1800 of them went to special training school. He explained, “These commandos have been sent to different parts of the UT.”

The DGP said that in the same way, 2500 new police officers have finished cybercrime training and are working to make society better. Even though Kashmir is currently calm, he said that problems still exist. “The J&K police are determined to face all of these problems with courage and make peace a permanent feature,” he said.

He said 27 cops from the Kashmir Police Service (KPS) were brought into the Indian Police Service a few days ago. A record number of KPS officers were brought into the IPS at that time, he said. “Promotions in the police force

More facilities will be built for police families this year, with an extra 2.25 crore spent on SPOs and 62 crore spent on police families this year. The home secretary made things easier for promotions; LG gave orders, and 4000 people were promoted. “A few days later, a record 27 KPS were brought into IPS,” he said.

There were congratulations and best wishes from the DGP for the new graduates. During the next few months, the border grid will be made even stronger, and two companies of women are being formed.



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