Awantipora police capture two absconders
Awantipora police capture two absconders

Two people from the Shopian region of south Kashmir who the National Investigation Agency (NIA) claims were members of Kashmiri terror organisations were detained on Friday, July 14 in Srinagar.

Mushaib Fayaz Baba, 20, and Hilal Yaqoob Deva, 35, alias Sethi Soab, were detained and named as the suspects.


The NIA said that the terrorists were from the Shopian area of south Kashmir and were working for commanders and handlers in Pakistan for banned terrorist groups like as Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) and its shadow organisation The Resistance Front (TRF).

Over Ground Workers (OGWs) of proscribed terrorist groups and their newly-floated offshoots and affiliates had their homes raided by the NIA, leading to the arrests.

The agency is using the digital devices that were seized during the searches as part of its investigation into the case.

Investigations by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) have shown that the two suspects apprehended on Friday were in constant touch with commanders stationed in Pakistan and active members of different terrorist organisations through social media apps.

The NIA said that the suspects “were working as OGWs of the terrorists” and “had been actively involved in transporting weapons and funds from one place to another, on the directions of Pakistan-based commanders and handlers as part of a bigger conspiracy.”

The anti-terror agency said that the cadres and OGWs of several outlawed terrorist groups had collaborated with their Pakistani-based superiors to devise the scheme.

In a statement released on Tuesday, the NIA said that “these cadres and OGWs were actively involved in the collection and distribution of huge consignments of narcotics, cash, small arms and weapons, Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), and other types of IEDs, including remote-controlled sticky bombs and magnetic bombs.”

NIA investigations have shown that terrorists in J&K are receiving terrorist gear and IEDs through drone delivery or are assembling them locally.

Terrorist activities and a “war” against the Indian government were the stated goals of the plot, according to the investigating agency.

The National Investigation Agency found that the terrorist groups specifically targeted minorities, migrants, and law enforcement.

Using secure encrypted social media applications, “the conspiracy had been hatched both physically and cyberspace,” the NIA claimed.



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