Conflict-ridden world is not in anyone's best interest, says PM
Conflict-ridden world is not in anyone's best interest, says PM

August 19th, New Delhi Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed his satisfaction that there are now more than 50 crore Jan Dhan accounts.

An official announcement said that this accomplishment demonstrates the government’s dedication to ensuring that financial services are available to everyone.


Prime Minister Modi expressed his happiness at this accomplishment and emphasised the role that women’s empowerment played in it.

“This is an important turning point. It is encouraging to see that our Nari Shakti is the owner of more than half of these accounts,” he remarked.

The phrase “Nari Shakti” describes the combined strength and power of women.

In a subsequent tweet, Prime Minister Modi emphasised the extensive reach of the financial inclusion initiatives, writing, “With 67% of accounts opened in rural and semi-urban areas, we are also ensuring that the benefits of financial inclusion reach every corner of our nation.”

Millions of unbanked and underbanked people have entered the formal banking system thanks to the August 2014 start of the Jan Dhan Yojana.

It attempts to provide individuals who were previously shut out of the banking industry financial services including savings accounts, insurance, and credit facilities.

The program’s efficacy in closing financial disparities and empowering people throughout the nation is shown by its ability to reach rural and semi-urban regions and by the sizeable percentage of women who participate in it.



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