Poloview Market has a street performance organised by the State Taxation Office
Poloview Market has a street performance organised by the State Taxation Office

August 9th, Srinagar: State Taxes Department (STD) today conducted a thought-provoking street play/skit on the topic of ‘Responsible Taxation and Sustainable Development’ as part of continuing festivities of “Azadi ka Amrit Mohatsav” under the theme of “Mere Matti Mera Desh” at Poloview Market.

The main purpose of the play was to raise awareness about tax fraud and the harmful impacts of careless mining on the environment.


Dr. Rashmi Singh, Commissioner of State Taxes, was also present.

Dr. Rashmi Singh, who spoke at the event, reaffirmed the STD’s dedication to promoting tax compliance, fostering environmentally responsible mining practises, and protecting the planet for future generations. She noted that gatherings like this help people comprehend the intricate relationship between taxes, mining, and environmental sustainability.

During his remarks, Shakeel Maqbool, Additional Commissioner of State Taxes in Kashmir, emphasised the significance of tax compliance in promoting environmentally responsible mining practises and safeguarding the local community and environment.



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