PM Modi introduces the PM Vishwakarma Programme
PM Modi introduces the PM Vishwakarma Programme

Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang on Monday in New Delhi. Prime Minister Modi and Huang had a lengthy conversation on India’s abundant opportunities in the field of artificial intelligence.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on X (previously Twitter) that Jensen Huang had praised India for its AI advancements.


During his meeting with @nvidia CEO Jensen Huang, PM Modi posted on X, “Had a wonderful discussion with Mr. India’s promising future in artificial intelligence was a major topic of our conversation. Mr. Jensen Huang praised India’s progress in this area and was optimistic about the country’s bright young people.

Nvidia, situated in the United States, was established by Jansen Huang in 1993. According to the official corporate statement, Jansen Huang has been the firm’s CEO and a director since its creation.

In an earlier June speech, PM Modi highlighted the G20’s responsibility to find a middle ground between the benefits and drawbacks of digital technology, which he described as a “force multiplier” for broadening students’ access to education and meeting the demands of the future.

In a video message to the G20 Education Ministers Meeting in Pune, Prime Minister Modi discussed the possibilities of AI in the realms of education, training, and professional development.

To promote research and innovation, particularly in the Global South, the Prime Minister emphasised the importance of the G20’s collective capabilities. He pleaded with the VIPs to pave the way for more coordinated scientific efforts.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that youngsters must undergo constant skilling, re-skilling, and up-skilling in order to prepare for the future, citing education as the architect of not just India’s but humanity’s future.

The Prime Minister of India shed some insight on the government’s priorities by mentioning that 10,000 “Atal Tinkering Labs” had been established around the nation to foster research and creativity among India’s schoolchildren. He revealed that over 1.2 million students were engaged in cutting-edge research at these facilities.



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