Ramban reviews the distribution of 5 marlas to PMAY-G recipients who are landless
Ramban reviews the distribution of 5 marlas to PMAY-G recipients who are landless

Ramban, September 4: Ramban Mussarat Islam, Deputy Commissioner, presided over a meeting today to talk about giving beneficiaries who are landless 5 marlas of land to build homes on under PMAY-G.

Attending the meeting were Assistant Commissioner of Revenue Gias-Ul-Haq, SDMs, Tehsildars, and other relevant authorities.


181 cases, including 94 in the Ramban block and 87 in the Batote block, are on the waiting list, according to information provided at the meeting by the ACD.

Speaking at the event, the Deputy Commissioner gave the order to thoroughly check the recipients’ credentials in accordance with the regulations set out by the government, including the presence of residence certificates.

It was also disclosed that, in accordance with the rules, beneficiaries of the landless PMAY (G) programme who are on the waiting list created by the Rural Development Department would get five Marlas of state land.



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