Ravinder Raina, a leader of the BJP, talks to Kashmiri school students
Ravinder Raina, a leader of the BJP, talks to Kashmiri school students

20 September, Srinagar: Ravinder Raina, head of the BJP in Jammu and Kashmir, met via video conference with protesting students from Desh Bhagat University (DBU) on Wednesday to listen to their grievances and assure them of the party’s support in their fight for justice.

Students informed Raina during the video conference that they had been protesting the school’s decision to change their admittance to an unaccredited nursing programme.


During the video conference, Ravinder Raina said that he planned to go to DBU to discuss the issues facing Kashmiri students in person with university administration.

However, I was unable to go because of the current circumstances in Kashmir (the Kokernag encounter). Still, I thought it would be best to have a video conference with you all,” he told the class.

The Kashmiri students who spoke with Raina asked for the transfer of their admission to recognised institutes and colleges so that they may complete their nursing degrees.

The students said that “currently, classes have been suspended at DBU and the hostels are closed, leaving the students in a state of uncertainty.”

After the problem surfaced at the University, Ravinder Raina said he had spoken to a few students about it. He said that several students had come to him with information concerning the university’s fraudulent operations.

Raina told the students in his address that they had his full backing.

We see what you’re going through, and you should know that you’re not alone. We’re here to help you out. I know how disappointing it is that the university made errors in your application. He remarked, “I have been in touch with certain students, and I want to raise this issue with the Governor of Punjab.

Raina urged the students to compile a petition detailing their complaints, which he promised he would personally deliver to the Governor of Punjab and the HRD Ministry.



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