Residents of Mominabad complain about the poor condition of the city's roadways
Residents of Mominabad complain about the poor condition of the city's roadways

Residents of Mominabad lane 8 in Srinagar have complained about the poor condition of the roadways in their neighbourhood, which was reported on July 24.

A representative from the neighbourhood claimed that last year, roads in the area were dug up so that a drainage system could be built. It’s been nearly a year and the roads still haven’t been fixed. The rains have made the roads impassable, so we’re stuck indoors. Our kids had to walk a long way to get to the main road where the buses and vans for their boarding school stop. They complained that their clothing and footwear were ruined by trudging in muck.


They pleaded with the SMC Commissioner to investigate the situation and order the roads in their area to be fixed.



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