Results of the JKAS!
Results of the JKAS!

Nadia Farooq
Nearly 19000 individuals took the preliminary exams in 2013 when we prepared the list to compete for 65 openings, and you can anticipate that number to be much higher for the 220 openings in 2022. However, it was under 24000!

What may the cause be? The youngsters seem to be selecting more sensible careers!!!
Rightfully so! The area of options outside of government jobs is constantly growing. Of course, I’m not referring about the alarming Facebook and Instagram trend regarding viewing, sensationalization, and monetization!


The difficulty of working for the government is increasing daily due to intense public scrutiny!
J&K UT has a problem since a disproportionately high percentage of the population works for the government, and the government is determined to correct it!
Government jobs must be reduced as a result of technological advancements and particular departments becoming less relevant over time.
Additionally, the future of privatisation in important areas!!

And more crucially, as the applicants who weren’t chosen yesterday at the interview stage would have discovered, you need a lot of luck on your side to secure a government job.

Our up & coming generation needs to have Soft Skills & Technical hands, rather than bundles of Degree Sheets with no value at all !!!



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