Review of preventative actions against dengue fever in Rajouri
Review of preventative actions against dengue fever in Rajouri

The Deputy Commissioner of Rajouri, Vikas Kundal, led a comprehensive evaluation of the dengue control measures currently being implemented in the district on October 13. This review highlighted the administration’s dedication to combating the dengue outbreak and maintaining the well-being of the citizens of Rajouri.

The purpose of the meeting was to assess the current situation and ensure that effective tactics to control the spread of dengue fever are implemented. The meeting was convened.

At the meeting, the executive officers of the municipalities informed the attendees that fogging and spraying operations have been carried out across the entirety of the district in all of the municipalities. The elimination of mosquito breeding grounds and a reduction in the overall number of dengue-carrying mosquitoes are the two primary goals of these preventative methods.


Because it is very important to raise people’s knowledge about the necessity of preventing dengue, the Chief Education Officer was given the directive to educate pupils about preventative measures during the morning assemblies that take place in schools. The district administration hopes to establish a sense of responsibility in the student body as well as ensure that the kids are well-informed on the necessary preventative measures to take against dengue by focusing on the younger generation.



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