SHO appointed after assault on migrant workers in Shopian
SHO appointed after assault on migrant workers in Shopian

On July 13, terrorists attacked three workers from Bihar in the Shopian area, leaving them wounded.

Srinagar, July 18: The Station House Officer of the Shopian police station has been attached as a result of the assault on three migrant workers in Shopian on July 13.


Inspector Gh Jeelani Bhat was ordered to be attached on Monday by DIG South Kashmir.

Inspector Gh Jeelani Bhat (AWP) (SHO P/S Shopian), PID No. ARP-109258, is assigned to RPHQ Anantnag and is awaiting investigation in light of the event that happened on July 23, 2030, at Gagren Shopian. The order said that it would take effect right away.

On July 13, terrorists attacked three workers from Bihar in the Shopian area, leaving them wounded.



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