Sopore's Chatipora Hygham neighbourhood has called for improved public services
Sopore's Chatipora Hygham neighbourhood has called for improved public services

Chatipora Hygham, Sopore, Baramulla District, North Kashmir, September 20: Villagers in Chatipora Hygham, Sopore, North Kashmir, have petitioned local authorities for improved access to essential services in their community.

According to locals, there is a lack of potable water, a bad drainage system, and crumbling infrastructure. They said that “successive governments have ignored the region, and nobody is taking our concerns seriously.”


One resident, Aijaz Ahmad, said that they voted in the DDC election for the first time hoping to see progress in their neighbourhood but claiming that “nothing happened till now on ground.”

“We have been victimised and fooled by successive regimes, who only visited us to seek votes,” he said.

How much longer must our town go without food, water, and medical care? A group of people said, “Why is our village ignored, despite there being other areas nearby that are developmentally rich?” They said that they had informed administration officials many times about the problems, but that nothing had changed on the ground.

The locals also complained that the DDC member who was supposed to look out for their interests paid less attention to their community than to others in the area. They further said that the worst part of the community is ignored by the district authority.

Residents pleaded with LG Manoj Sinha and the Baramulla district government to find solutions to their issues as quickly as possible.



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