Students may attend a summer camp hosted by BEI in Doodhpathri

Srinagar, August 29: A four-day summer camp was held in the health resort Doodhpathri in the Budgam district, hosted by the Bilaliya Educational Institute (BEI).

BEI stated in a statement that kids in grades 6-10 were inspired by their time at the camp. This camp has revolutionised education by putting students in touch with nature and inspiring them to become lifelong environmental protectors via meaningful hands-on activities. Campers were treated to a variety of exciting new experiences among Doodhpathri’s stunning scenery. The children had a thrilling mix of adventure and learning, from peaceful nature walks to the bonding of camping under the stars and around the warmth of campfires. The programme was interactive and featured fun activities like sports while instilling values of environmental stewardship, the release stated.


“Our hope was to give our students something they would never forget,” said Manzoor Ahmad Wangnoo, Chairman of BEI. Our pupils’ positive attitudes and enthusiasm to study during the camp were inspiring.

The development of a deep respect for nature was a major goal of the programme. Students were not only taught to value and enjoy the world’s natural wonders, but also to take action to preserve them. Wangnoo said that “through various interactive sessions, the importance of sustainable practises and responsible behaviour towards the environment was emphasised.”

Dr. Shawkat Zadoo was honoured by BEI for his many contributions to the growth of the university’s academic programme. The students’ kind gift to Dr. Zadoo sahib is a tribute to his many years of dedication to the university.

Wangnoo praised the camp’s organisers, the teachers and staff, as well as the principal, for their hard work. The partnership with Paradise Camping Expedition brought an extra level of excellent service to the kids.

Beautiful scenery was just part of what camp had to offer. Spending the night at Doodhpathri allowed for some introspection. But it also highlighted the difficulties the area still faces. The rubbish piles dispersed over the area highlighted the need of eco-friendly vacationing. BEI promotes a methodical strategy, with an eye towards establishing Doodhpathri as an eco-tourism centre. Wangnoo praised the local government for taking “a positive step towards sustainable growth” by isolating horse tracks from other regions and curbing unfettered building.



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