Taiwan is given a'stern warning' by China by means of military activities
Taiwan is given a'stern warning' by China by means of military activities

The Ministry of Defence of Taiwan issued a statement in which it criticised the most recent military manoeuvres conducted by China near the island and referred to them as “irrational provocative behaviour.”

The 19th of August, Beijing China: Xinhua News Agency said that China started combined air and sea patrols as well as military drills surrounding Taiwan on Saturday. Beijing has labelled these activities as a “stern warning” to “Taiwan independence” separatists against conspiring with foreign entities, and they were carried out in response to Taiwan independence separatists.


This activity was a furious reaction to the recent “stopover” in the United States that was made by the Vice President of Taiwan, William Lai.

According to Xinhua, Shi Yi, a spokeswoman for the Eastern Theatre Command of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, said that the patrols and drills are designed to train the coordination of military boats and aeroplanes as well as their capacity to grab control of air and sea regions. Shi Yi was quoted as stating this by Xinhua.

According to China’s official media, Shi stated that the capacity of the military forces to fight in actual combat situations would be tested, and that the patrols and drills serve as a strong warning to the collaboration of “Taiwan independence” separatists with foreign elements and their provocations. Shi also said that the patrols and exercises serve as a test of the armed forces’ ability to fight in real combat conditions.

The Ministry of Defence of Taiwan issued a statement in which it criticised the most recent military manoeuvres conducted by China near the island and referred to them as “irrational provocative behaviour.”

In addition, the Ministry of National Defence stated that it will send the appropriate troops to respond in accordance with the “Regulations on the Handling of Emergencies during the Period of Regular Combat Readiness of the National Army” in order to defend the Republic of China’s freedom, democracy, and sovereignty through concrete actions.

According to the Ministry of National Defence of Taiwan, for the last several years, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has continued to dispatch planes and ships to annoy and harass Taiwan, which has resulted in significant harm to the security of the surrounding area.

“Launching a military exercise under pretence this time not only does not assist the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, but it also reveals its militaristic mindset and confirms the hegemonic nature of military expansion,” read the statement. “Not only does it not help the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, but it also highlights its militaristic mentality and confirms the hegemonic nature

“The Ministry of National Defence emphasised that in the face of repeated advances by the Communist army, all officers and soldiers of the national army are ready to fight, uphold the strong will of “preparing for war, not seeking war, responding to war, not avoiding war,” and have the ability, determination, and confidence to ensure national security,” it read. “The Ministry of National Defence stressed that in the face of repeated advances by the Communist army, all officers and soldiers of the national army are ready to fight, uphold the strong will of “

When the situation on both sides of the strait is serious, Taiwan issued an appeal to the people of the nation, asking them to provide a strong support and work towards building a consensus of unity. Together, members of the armed forces and citizens contribute to the formation of an essential force for defensive operations and the safeguarding of the nation’s pristine natural resources.

When Lai visited the United States in the past, China voiced its disapproval of the trip and pledged to take “strong measures” at the time.

After Lai’s stay in the United States, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement saying, “China firmly opposes any form of official interaction between the United States and the Taiwan region.” This remark came after Lai’s visit to the United States. We are adamantly opposed to any kind of visit by so-called “Taiwan independence” separatists to the United States, under any name or guise, and we are also adamantly opposed to any kind of official engagement between the United States government and the Taiwan area. The United States’ plan to organise a so-called’stopover’ for Lai Ching-te is something that China vehemently rejects and is appalled by.

“We urge the United States to abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués, deliver on its commitment of not supporting “Taiwan independence,” or “two Chinas,” or “one China, one Taiwan,” stop all forms of official interaction with Taiwan, stop conniving at and supporting “Taiwan independence” separatist forces and their separatist activities, and stop fudging and hollowing out the one-China principle. ” It was noted that China was keeping a close eye on how the situation was developing and that it intended to take decisive and forceful action in order to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity. (ANI)



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