The Army is holding an event at the school in Baramulla
The Army is holding an event at the school in Baramulla

On September 12 in Baramulla, the Indian Army held a seminar at the Government High School in Lacchipura. The topic of the session was the empowerment of women via the management of plastic garbage.

The purpose of the event was to encourage the self-determination of women in the Kashmir Valley and to spark good change there. The purpose of the event was to inform and inspire members of the community, especially young women, to become more engaged in the process of fostering growth in their area.


The seminar shared the incredible life experiences of women who have overcome obstacles and served as motivational examples for those in attendance by sharing their tales of overcoming adversity.

The keynote talk was given to the high school students who were present at the event. It focused on the significance of shifting one’s perspective to sustainable waste management and encouraged the students to be proactive agents of change.

The event’s goal was to develop a feeling of purpose and empowerment in the young girls in attendance, with the end goal of encouraging them to have a positive impact on the world around them.



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