The Ayushmaan Bhav campaign in South Kashmir is evaluated by DHSK
The Ayushmaan Bhav campaign in South Kashmir is evaluated by DHSK

Srinagar, 27 September: According to an official news release, the Director of Health Services in Kashmir (DHSK) recently travelled to the districts of Pulwama and Shopian to get an in-person assessment of the Ayushmaan Bhav programme now underway there.

The Director met with the Zonal Medical Officers, Medical Officers, Paramedics, and Asha Employees during his visit. He urged them to give the programme their whole attention and effort.


He requested that all staff make an effort to include everyone in the workplace.

The Director issued a directive to all officials instructing them to spread the word about government programmes and services.

During his trip, the Director met with the chief medical officers of the two districts, as well as their medical superintendents, block medical officers, and district investigative officers, for a review.

He urged all district health officials to use all available resources to their full potential in order to meet the Ayushman Bhav goal.



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