The Chief Justice enters the courthouse Shopian evaluated the current work's readiness and the courts' efficiency
The Chief Justice enters the courthouse Shopian evaluated the current work's readiness and the courts' efficiency

Shopian, September 8 (KS) On Friday, Chief Justice Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakah Hon’ble Shri Justice N. Kotiswar Singh visited the court complex in Shopian to assess its readiness for continuing work and see how the courts are operating.

Speaking with the news organisation Kashmir Scroll, we evaluated the readiness of the continuing work and addressed several concerns; as a result, the outstanding work will soon be finished, providing a breath of relief to the plaintiffs.


In addition to meeting with the bar association and judicial officials to review the speed of current construction, he also participated in a planting drive at the Shopian court complex.

In a statement to the media, attorney Shabir Ahmad Kullay, president of the Bar Association of Shopian, explained that the visit was routine and he checked on the status of the ongoing tasks. We asked the Chief Justice to provide the Additional District Court, Consumer Court, Traffic Court, and TADA Court, which are still pending, during the discussions.

“He promised us that he would look into it and give our requests top priority,” Kullay added.

The Hon’ble Chief Justice was accompanied by the Principal Secretary, M K Sharma, District Development Commissner Shopian, Faz Lul Haseeb, District Principal & Sessions Judge, Riyaz Ul Haq Mirza, SSP Shopian Tanushree, Chief Judicial Majistrate, Imtiyaz Ahmad Lone, Secretary DLSA Susheel Singh, Munsiff Brijraj Singh, Bar President , other officers, Bar members and officials.(KS)



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