Time has passed since innocent people's blood was shed: DGP
Time has passed since innocent people's blood was shed: DGP

19 September, Srinagar The Director General of Police, Dilbag Singh, has authorised more than Rs 1.9 crore as Special Welfare Relief in accordance with various directions from PHQ in order to continue supporting the families of police officers, SPOs, who have died while doing their duties.

The dependents and legal heirs of the dead police officers are eligible for the Special Welfare Relief, which is worth Rs. 22 lakh per recipient.


As a quick response, the PHQ via the relevant units has already given Rupees one lakh to the NoK of police troops to conduct the deceased’s death rites. The Contributory Police Welfare Fund was used to provide the financial aid.

The DGP has further approved Rupees one lakh as financial aid in favour of NOK of the deceased officer to cover the costs associated with his daughter’s wedding.

Police Headquarters has undertaken a number of measures as a welfare measure to guarantee support and assistance for the wellbeing of its employees and their families.



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