The government is committed to protecting wildlife
The government is committed to protecting wildlife

Srinagar, Oct. 7: On Saturday, Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha said that the administration was dedicated to protecting wildlife.

The LG reaffirmed the commitment of the J&K administration to the cause of wildlife conservation, protection of the unique and rich ecological heritage, pursuing economic growth, and preserving the environment by striking the right balance, according to a statement released here by an official spokesman. The walkathon was flagged off as part of Wildlife Week 2023 from the Police Golf Course in Nishat Bagh, Srinagar.


The Department of Wildlife Protection conducted a 5-kilometre walkathon to raise awareness about wildlife conservation. A huge number of prominent people, including eco- and wildlife conservation club members, volunteers, National Cadet Corps (NCC) cadets, and students, took part.

Sinha stated: “It is our collective responsibility to strengthen the ecological integrity, restore the original glory of our rivers and lakes, and protect our forests from smugglers and poachers.” Sinha called for community-led biodiversity conservation and the preservation of animals.

Every citizen and every young person, he added, should become “Mitras” for the environment and wildlife, and they should also educate others about leading sustainable lives.

The LG discussed the initiatives taken by the J&K government, which is led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, to promote eco-tourism and a green economy while integrating the development of animal habitats.

The Tral Hangul Breeding Centre, which had been abandoned since 2008, was reactivated and finished this year.

Two more RAMSAR sites were added in 2022, and the population of Hangul has increased.

According to the LG, “over 13 lakh migratory birds were sighted last year.”

He was appreciative of the Department of Wildlife Protection’s efforts to reduce human-animal conflict and ensure the protection of people, their property, and their cattle.

‘J&K: Wildlife Chronicles’, a short film, and a poster for the Wildlife Protection Department were also made available by the LG.

A K Choudhary, the Special DG for Crime, Aftab Malik, the Chairman of the District Development Council (DDC) in Srinagar, Principal Secretary of the Department of Forest, Ecology, and Environment Dheeraj Gupta, Principal Secretary to the LG Mandeep Kumar Bhandari, and Principal Chief Conservator of Forests Roshan Jaggi were also present.



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