The government should increase the JK river basins' hydropower potential
The government should increase the JK river basins' hydropower potential

December 26, Srinagar: In an important step towards realizing the unexplored hydroelectric potential of its river basins, the administration of Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory, under the leadership of Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinah, has developed a comprehensive plan to increase the region’s hydropower output.
The program has the potential to significantly contribute to both promoting sustainable development and satisfying the union territory’s energy needs.

Key government officials and hydroelectric power specialists attended a recent high-level meeting headed by the Chief Secretary, where the plans were reviewed, according to news agency KNS.
The plan lays out a number of strategies to take advantage of the Jammu and Kashmir river basins’ plentiful water resources and use the terrain of the state to produce clean, renewable energy.
The initiative’s primary goal is to locate and develop viable hydropower locations across the region’s many river basins. To make sure that the projects adhere to sustainable and environmentally friendly standards, the government hopes to carry out comprehensive feasibility studies and environmental impact assessments.
It has long been known that Jammu and Kashmir has significant hydropower potential, and this project aims to make use of the plentiful water resources that flow across the varied topography of the union territory. This renewed emphasis on hydroelectric power is consistent with the government’s objective to support renewable energy sources and lessen reliance on fossil fuels.
In order to hasten the execution of hydropower projects, the strategy also highlights the significance of public-private partnerships. The government intends to work with private organizations to provide the capital, creativity, and technological know-how needed to carry out these projects successfully.
This bold step is expected to provide several advantages, such as increased employment and infrastructure development, as well as a major boost to Jammu and Kashmir’s overall economic growth. Furthermore, it is anticipated that the region’s carbon footprint will decrease and environmental problems will be lessened as a result of the increasing production of clean energy.
The administration of Jammu and Kashmir is committed to adopting sustainable energy solutions and establishing the union territory as a pioneer in the renewable energy industry, which is reflected in the plan to boost hydropower potential.
If this project is successful, it has the potential to not only change the energy landscape in the area but also act as a role model for other places that want to use the force of nature to promote sustainable development.
An astounding 15,000 MW of this potential have been identified for development, according to official sources, which represents a significant advancement for the state’s energy industry.
The unspoiled river basins of Jammu and Kashmir, which have long been recognized as having strong water supplies, are now in a prime position to host hydroelectric projects.
It is expected that this noteworthy discovery of 15,000 MW would open the door for sustainable energy production, adding significantly to the national level as well as the regional power grid.
The Pakal Dul Hydroelectric Project (1000 MW), Kiru Hydroelectric Project (624 MW), Kwar Hydroelectric Project (540 MW), and Kirthai-II Hydroelectric Project (930 MW) are among the major projects in the Chenab and Jhelum river basins that are ideally positioned to maximize the hydropower potential of the area.
Large-scale projects, including the 1000 MW Pakal Dul Hydroelectric Project, the 624 MW Kiru Hydroelectric Project, the 540 MW Kwar Hydroelectric Project, and the powerful Kirthai-II Hydroelectric Project, which adds 930 MW to the region’s power system, are the initiative’s leaders. The region’s dedication to sustainable energy solutions is further shown by projects like Lower Kalnai HEP (48 MW), New Ganderbal HEP (93 MW), Parnai HEP (38 MW), and Karnah HEP (12 MW).
Authorities stress that these projects, which demonstrate the region’s deliberate investment in clean, renewable energy sources, represent a revolutionary age in hydropower generation. As these massive projects advance, they are anticipated to be crucial in fulfilling the region’s increasing energy needs and making a substantial contribution to India’s larger goals for renewable energy.



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