The Kashmiri medical community advises three vaccinations in autumn to combat the triple virus menace
The Kashmiri medical community advises three vaccinations in autumn to combat the triple virus menace

Doctors Association Kashmir (DAK) recommended people to acquire the flu, Covid, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccines on Saturday in Srinagar.

The triple vaccination may prevent the tripledemic of respiratory infections this winter, according to Dr. Nisar ul Hassan, president of DAK and a specialist on influenza.


This winter, we might experience a triple viral trifecta of Covid, Flu, and RSV. According to him, the trio of vaccinations could lessen hospitalisations and fatalities brought on by these infections.

The majority of us are aware of yearly flu vaccines, according to Dr. Hassan. This autumn, we will have an upgraded Covid-19 vaccine. An RSV vaccination, which is often linked with small children but also sends senior people to hospitals, is new to the menu this year.

He said that those 60 years of age and older should have the RSV vaccination.

“Normally, the RSV season begins in the autumn and peaks in the winter, but it peaked last year a few weeks earlier and persisted for longer. Therefore, he advised those who qualify for the vaccination to get it as soon as possible.

Everyone aged 6 months and older should have an annual flu shot prior to the start of the flu season, which starts in October, according to DAK President. It is better to receive the flu shot now since it takes two weeks for the vaccine to start working.

While the flu shot is advised for everyone, he said, “young children, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with medical conditions need it especially.”

Everyone above the age of six months should get the updated Covid vaccination, according to Dr. Nisar.

The updated vaccination has been modified to specifically combat more recent XBB virus strains.

He claimed that patients might get the Covid, flu, and RSV vaccinations at the same time.

Because they may get all three immunisations on the same day, individuals won’t need to visit a clinic or drugstore many times, he said.



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