Today, Rahul Gandhi will go to Srinagar for a personal visit
Today, Rahul Gandhi will go to Srinagar for a personal visit

Leh, 20 August: On Sunday, Rahul Gandhi, a senior Congress politician, remarked that Ladakhis are unhappy with their situation and demand representation.

According to the Kashmir News Observer (KNO), Gandhi told reporters that the local populace is dissatisfied with its current condition.


Many people were dissatisfied. They desire a voice in government but are unhappy with the position they have been granted. Everyone is talking about inflation and joblessness,” he remarked.

“People want bureaucracy shouldn’t run the state, but it should be run by the voice of people,” he said.

He expressed worry for the Ladakhi people since China is encroaching on their grazing grounds.

The confiscated land by China is a major cause for alarm. Everyone here claims that Chinese military have invaded their grazing property, preventing them from accessing it, and this has a major impact on the local population, he added.

The prime minister’s allegation that China hasn’t stolen any territory is false, according to him, he added.(KNO)



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