The popularity of Lolab as a vacation spot is growing
The popularity of Lolab as a vacation spot is growing

Hundreds of locals travelled to Kupwara this summer to explore Lolab Valley, also called Wadi-e-Lolab or Lolov, which is quickly becoming a popular tourist attraction.

However, much work remains before it can reach its full potential, such as the expansion of roads and other tourism infrastructure.


Located 9 kilometres north of Kupwara, the spectacular splendour of the Lolab’s entrance gate provides access to the valley bottom of this oval-shaped valley surrounded by sweeping mountain ranges.

Due to its proximity to the LoC and history as a hub for terrorist activity, Lolab has seen its fair share of face-to-face confrontations between security personnel and terrorists over the years.

Lolab is known as the “Fruit Bowl of Kashmir” because to its abundance of apple, cherry, peach, apricot, and walnut orchards, yet it sees very few visitors all year long.

The splendour of the valley makes the four hours of travel time necessary to get there from Srinagar more than worthwhile.

Domestic visitors to Lolab Valley don’t pass up the chance to see the Kalaroos Caves, where a myth says a passage to Russia and huge pools of water are hidden.

The outside of the caverns is a stunning sight, even though visitors cannot enter them to verify the claims.

The valley is filled with beautiful lakes, the most famous of which being Gangbal Lake.

It is the same path that hikers use to reach Apharwat Peak.

Eco-tourism and extreme-sports opportunities abound in Lolab.

The city of Lolab is a popular destination for those interested in environment and history.

The Brohnai region includes Chandigam, Sogam, Lalpora, Putushai, Dorusa, Tekipora, and Kalaroos; the Putnai side has Warnow, Affan, Doban, Khurhuma, and Kuligam; and Kalaroos is located there as well.

Amari, Trumukh, Bumsi, Nagmarg, Keemsar, Nichan, and Lushkoot are just a few of the numerous beautiful meadows in the region.

Lolab Valley is easily accessible by foot or horse from the neighbouring regions of Nagmarg, Keemsar, Nichan, and Lushkoot.

In the summer, hundreds of domestic visitors came here, according to Abdul Majeed of Chandigam, Lolab. “Their trips opened up job prospects”

He said the government had done a lot of work to make Lolab a tourism hub, but that more was still required to be done.

“The roads need to be widened even more, and there is still a lack of tourist infrastructure,” he stated.

There are some huts and rest homes that the Tourism Department has built, but the area’s stakeholders feel they are insufficient to make the region a full-fledged tourist attraction.



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