PM Modi introduces the PM Vishwakarma Programme
PM Modi introduces the PM Vishwakarma Programme

Thursday in New Delhi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed gratitude to the people for their support of the administration.

A statement issued to the Press Information Bureau (PIB) quotes the Prime Minister as saying, “I have come to express immense gratitude towards every citizen of the country for repeatedly showing trust in the government.” This was in response to the Motion of No Confidence that had been presented to the Lok Sabha.


When the opposition presented a no-confidence resolution in 2018, he said that it was not a floor test for the government but for those who proposed it.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi remarked, “When we went to the polls in 2019, the people had declared no confidence in them with the utmost strength,” to emphasise that the NDA and the BJP had gained ground in the election.

In response to a no-confidence motion submitted by the opposition, he stated, “In a way, the no-confidence motion introduced by the opposition is lucky for the government,” adding that he is certain the NDA and the BJP would shatter all previous records and emerge triumphant in 2024 with the support of the people.

It would have been ideal, Prime Minister Modi continued, if the opposition had been serious from the start of the session.

He said that the opposition, which put partisan concerns before of discussing the significance of recent laws, had missed an opportunity.

The opposition is uninterested in the various proposals that would have helped fishers, data subjects, the poor, the impoverished, and indigenous communities. This was a major letdown for the general public. The prime minister said, “They have shown that for them, the party is above the country.”

He warned that the opposition was under close scrutiny since they consistently let the nation down.

The Prime Minister said that every country reaches a moment in its history when it is ready to throw off the past and go forward with fresh vigour and resolve.

This era of the 21st century is one in which our wildest dreams may come true. The next thousand years of the country’s history will be moulded by the decisions made now. Therefore, he continued, “we have a big duty, and we should have a single focus—development of the nation, and complete devotion to fulfil the ambitions of the countrymen.

Prime Minister Modi said that the country’s future was in the hands of its people particularly its young people.

He said that in 2014 and thereafter, the nation opted for a complete majority administration because it has shown in the past to be the most effective at getting things done.

For India’s young people, we delivered a government without scams. We have given them the confidence to go to the skies. The prime minister boasted, “We have repaired India’s standing in the world and taken them to new heights.” The “No Confidence” motion was nothing more than an effort by the opposition to undermine public support for the government.

He cited rising exports, foreign investment, and startup activity as evidence that “today a trust has arisen in the heart of the poor to fulfil their dreams.”

Prime Minister Modi also addressed the NITI report’s optimism that 13.5 crore people would be lifted out of poverty by 2022.

He referred to a working report from the International Monetary Fund that claims India has effectively eliminated widespread poverty.

The PM praised the Indian DBT Scheme and other social welfare programmes, calling them a “logistical marvel,” a term used by the International Monetary Fund.

He also cited the World Health Organisation, which estimates that the Swacch Bharat Abhiyan has saved 3 million lives and the Jal Jeevan Mission has saved 4 million.

Slum dwellers are “the poor of the country,” PM Modi declared.

According to UNICEF statistics, the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is allowing impoverished households to save an average of Rs 50,000 a year.

The Prime Minister criticised the “ostrich approach” of the opposition, saying that they were so mired in scepticism that they could not see the trust of the people.

It’s like a ‘Kala Tika’ (to ward off evil omen), he explained, when the adversary uses foul language and picks at every detail.

Prime Minister Modi said that the opposition’s criticism always backfires, calling this phenomenon the “opposition’s secret boon.”

They always get what they want for, he remarked.

The Prime Minister reflected on the opposition’s response to recent banking sector events and noted their efforts to misinform the public.

However, he interrupted to note that public sector banks saw a doubling of their net profit.

The phone banking fraud, as PM Modi mentioned, was a major factor in the NPA issue that the nation had to recover from before it could go ahead.

He also cited the opposition’s harsh treatment of HAL as an example.

The prime minister said that HAL has achieved record-breaking success and income.

He shed some light on the “ills spoken by the opposition” regarding LIC and declared that the organisation was only becoming stronger.

PM Modi added, “The opposition does not believe in the capabilities and dedication of the nation,” adding that he had earlier predicted that India will become the world’s third-largest economy during his third term.

He said that the opposition, in its role as a watchdog over the administration, should have questioned the government’s strategy for reaching this objective or offered ideas.

The Prime Minister criticised the complacency of the opposition, which argues that no effort was required to get to the position of third-largest economy in the world.

He said that the opposition’s attitude shows that they don’t have a firm grasp on global economics or an appreciation for India’s strengths.

Prime Minister Modi emphasised that by 1991, India had fallen into extreme poverty and was on the edge of insolvency.

Now, after 2014, India is among the world’s top five economies, he remarked.

The PM attributed this success to the slogan of “Reform, Perform, and Transform,” along with careful preparation and diligent effort.

This will continue, and the required changes will be made. He assured the House that by 2028, when they would be bringing a No Confidence Motion, the nation will be in the top three.

The opposition’s scepticism of Modi’s initiatives like Swachh Bharat, the Jan Dhan Account, yoga, ayurveda, Startup India, Digital India, and Make in India hasn’t changed, and the prime minister has commented on it.

While the Congress was in power, he said, terrorists were able to infiltrate Kashmir, and the government at the time would agree with Pakistan and have peace negotiations going at the same time.

The PM also brought up their ties to Hurriyat rather than the general population of Kashmir.

He emphasised how the opposition “chose to believe the narrative spun by the enemy” instead of believing the government’s explanation of the surgical attack.

The prime minister stated, “The opposition is quick to trust those who speak ill of the country,” and he cited a misleading study by a foreign organisation that placed a country struggling with food shortages ahead of India in some categories.

According to him, the opposition seizes on such false news in an effort to malign the nation at every turn.

Prime Minister Modi also used the Corona vaccine created in India to argue that the opposition lacked faith in home-grown solutions and instead preferred those developed outside.

He stressed that the opposition has little faith in India and its people, and that the public has little faith in the opposition as well.

The Prime Minister said that the people of the nation cannot be fooled by cosmetic changes in alliance formation and that the opposition coalition’s luck would not change if it changed its name.

“They’ve used the NDA to stay alive, but they tacked on two ‘I’s of hubris—one for the pride of 26 parties and another for the pride of one family. He said, “They even divided India into INDIA.” The opposition may replace its leaders, but it cannot alter its corporate culture.

He stressed that the country’s founders and independence fighters have always been against dynastic rule.

The ordinary person suffers under a dynastic regime. Prime Minister Modi has claimed that dynastic politics has caused harm to prominent individuals.

He said that it wasn’t until the latter years of non-Congress regimes that pictures of stalwarts who had fallen prey to this kind of politics were finally hung in the Parliament.

The Prime Minister repeated that the opposition is upset because a ‘Garib ka Beta’ is sitting in the Prime Minister’s chair, despite the fact that the people of India have elected a complete majority administration twice in the last 30 years.

He noted that the opposition had previously abused aeroplanes and ships, but that this had been corrected so that they could be used to carry vaccinations and bring people back from abroad.

According to PM Modi, the opposition has never been interested in addressing the issue in Manipur.

According to him, the Home Minister patiently and dispassionately outlined the concerns.

“The Home Minister’s statement was an attempt to express the concern of the country and the nation, an attempt to convey the trust of the House to Manipur. The PM described the meeting as a “honest effort to discuss and find ways.”

He lamented the terrible state of affairs in Manipur while discussing the situation there.

The federal and state governments will cooperate to bring those responsible for crimes against women to justice. “I assure the people of India that peace will come to Manipur in the coming times on the basis of our effort,” PM Modi remarked.

The House, he told the mothers and girls of Manipur, is with them 100 percent, as is the rest of the country.

The Prime Minister further promised that the government will do all possible to help Manipur resume its path to prosperity.

He said that the present cabinet had spent 400 nights in the Northeast’s district capitals, and that the prime minister had made 50 trips there.

I have a deep connection to the Northeast. I have travelled extensively around the area even before I became prime minister,” PM Modi stated.

He said that the Congress party was to blame for all of Manipur’s problems, despite the popular perception that the conflict there is relatively new.

In his speech, the Prime Minister said that “Sabka Saath Sabka Vishwas” is more than just a slogan for his government. In the words of Winston Churchill: “I assure the people of the country that I will devote every particle of my body and every moment to the service of the countrymen.”



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