The season's coldest night was recorded at Srinagar at minus 5.4 degree Celsius
The season's coldest night was recorded at Srinagar at minus 5.4 degree Celsius

December 13, Srinagar: The winter capital of Jammu and Kashmir had its lowest night of the year, with a temperature of minus 5.4 degrees Celsius. The nighttime lows across Kashmir continued to drop.

A low of minus 3.8 degrees Celsius was also recorded in Qazigund, the entrance to Kashmir, according to the news agency Kashmir News Observer (KNO). The sub-zero temperature has been reported across all stations.


An official low temperature of minus 5.0 degrees Celsius was recorded in Gulmarg, a well-known ski resort, while minus 5.8 degrees Celsius was reported at Pahalgam, a well-known tourist destination.

The lowest temperature ever recorded in Kokernag was – 1.6 degrees Celsius, while Kupwara recorded minus 4.2 degrees.



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