Residents of Sopore Village are pushing for upgraded conveniences
Residents of Sopore Village are pushing for upgraded conveniences

Residents of the Dangerpora hamlet located in the Zaingeer area of Sopore, which is located in the Baramulla district of north Kashmir, have voiced their displeasure with the Jal Shakti department for their inability to provide them with an appropriate supply of drinkable water.

The villagers have reported that they have been dealing with a severe lack of potable water for the last half a year, which has caused the local population of the region to endure significant hardship.


Residents in the area claim that the Jal Shakti department has been unable to give an appropriate quantity of water to the region.

Mysara Begum, a local resident of Dangerpora who spoke with Greater Kashmir, said that her community is experiencing “immense hardship” as a result of being compelled to collect contaminated and hazardous water from neighbouring streams and ponds, which is harmful to their health.

She said that “we are being forced to walk miles in order to fetch water.” Mysara said that the government are “ignoring us at all fronts,” despite the fact that the locality is home to DDC members, a Sarpanch, and a Former MLA.

Another resident named Bashir Ahmad said that they are being forced to drink polluted water and to get the water from dirty streams, both of which are very hazardous to one’s health and would cause serious infectious illnesses to spread among the locals. He said that they had contacted the relevant departments on many occasions in the past, but that there had been no action made to satisfy their requirements.

The people of this village made an appeal to the government that is headed by the LG, the district administration, and the officials of the relevant department, pleading for the prompt redress of the real demand and asking them to look into the situation as soon as possible so that the residents of this village would not have to deal with any inconvenient circumstances.

In the meanwhile, a representative of the Jal Shakti department in Sopore has said that the situation will be investigated, and those who have a legitimate complaint will be compensated as quickly as possible.



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