"No civilian deaths": The five-year report card is presented by the J&K DGP

On Wednesday, September 26, in Katra, Jammu and Kashmir’s Director General of Police (DGP) Dilbag Singh stated that the Kokernag encounter has not altered the tranquil situation in Kashmir and that the situation remains as placid as before the encounter. However, he stated that those who open fire first always have the advantage, and in Kokernag, terrorists opened fire first, resulting in the deaths of three officers.

According to Kashmir News Observer (KNO), DGP Singh told reporters after inaugurating the modular police station in Katra, Jammu, that the Kokernag encounter has not altered the situation in Kashmir. “The situation is as tranquil as it was prior to the Kokernag encounter. “I am aware that the exaggeration of the Kokernag encounter is the work of certain vested interests,” he stated.


He stated that it is always advantageous to start a fire first. “It is to our advantage when security forces initiate fire on the terrorists first. “In Kokernag, terrorists were waiting for the forces and took advantage of the initial fire, which resulted in the deaths of two army officers and one police officer,” the DGP said, adding that the operation lasted seven days and was successful. “We eliminated the notorious LeT terrorist Uzair Khan and his accomplice. I am proud of the teams from the security forces who participated in the operation, as it was difficult to track and locate the militants hidden on the extensive mountain.”

The DGP stated that police and security forces are determined to eradicate terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. “We are currently on the hunt for the remaining terrorists and will soon eliminate them,” he said.

The DGP stated that the police have tripled their efforts to combat narco-terrorism. “Consider the arrests, FIRs, and cases involving narco-terrorism,” he said.

The DGP stated that the new Katra police station will better serve Mata Vaishno Devi pilgrims. “The old police station here was in shambles, and it was decided a few years ago that a new one was desperately needed. Today, we are dedicating the new police station to the community,” he said (KNO).



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