"This Is the Future": ChatGPT can now interpret images and videos

The new audio and image capabilities in ChatGPT provide “a new, more intuitive interface by allowing you to have a voice conversation or show ChatGPT what you’re talking about.”

ChatGPT, which is driven by artificial intelligence and was recently updated by OpenAI, now includes a new vision function that enables users to interact with the chatbot by talking to it and asking it questions. In addition to being able to solve issues, offer explanations, and analyse photos, ChatGPT now also has this capability. Users have been making the most of the new function ever since it was released, with some users crafting codes by utilising images and others decoding schematics and signs.
ChatGPT’s newly added speech and picture features, as described by OpenAI, provide “a new, more intuitive type of interface by allowing you to have a voice conversation or show ChatGPT what you’re talking about.”
A user said that he had sent a snapshot of a Software as a Service (SaaS) dashboard to the chatbot, and it had written down the code for the dashboard. “This is the future,” he said. “This is it.”

Another user took advantage of the vision capability so they could decipher difficult parking signage and avoid getting a parking charge. The user took a photo of multiple highway signs by clicking their mouse and then inquired, “It’s Wednesday at four o’clock. Is it possible for me to park here at this very moment? Give it to me in one sentence.
In response to this question, ChatGPT said, “Yes, you can park for up to 1 hour beginning at 4 p.m.”
It also came out that ChatGPT was effective in providing a detailed explanation of the diagram of a human cell “appropriate for a 9th grader.”
This individual provided ChatGPT with a photograph and then inquired of the chatbot about its description of the image. By using its vision capability, ChatGPT was able to provide a comprehensive explanation of what the picture represented.
A person may have been able to give a name to a certain architectural style with the assistance of this characteristic. This user began by using Midjourney to build a design that had “never-before-seen” precedents, and then they sent a question to ChatGPT asking for a name suggestion for their creation.
The chatbot examined the graphical components of the image and provided a name for the element along with an explanation of why it was selected.



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