Traders and fruit producers applaud government for greenlighting Shopian bypass
Traders and fruit producers applaud government for greenlighting Shopian bypass

Shopian, March 12: On Tuesday, residents and merchants of the apple-rich Shopian district celebrated the government’s decision to approve a project of Rs 244.44 crore to build the 8.925 km Shopian bypass.

Fruit Mandi Shopian’s previous president and well-known apple farmer, Muhammad Ashraf Wani, expressed his delight at the news.
“It will definitely simplify the process of transporting apples and other fruits,” Wani said.
The bypass, he said, would end gridlock and cut travel times in half. Another fruit producer from the area, Mubashir Ahmad Bhat, predicted that the horticulture industry would greatly benefit from the decision.


He assured them that once the bypass was built, perishable drupes would arrive at the outstation mandis on schedule.



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