US : Trump is taken into custody for the fourth time but released without charges
US : Trump is taken into custody for the fourth time but released without charges

August 21 (Washington): Former US President Donald Trump has often said that, if elected in 2024, he would impose a reciprocal tax on Indian imports of American-made motorbikes and automobiles.

Since Trump’s presidency ended in 2019, he has pushed for India to eliminate the export charge on Harley Davidson motorbikes.


Trump was asked in an interview with Fox Business News, “What would happen if America imposes a similar tax on Indian products entering the US?” In addition, I’d want to see a reciprocal tax in place for when India hits us with its own hefty tariffs. I mean, Harley-Davidson is a perfect example.

I was wondering how you manage living in a country like India. I’m afraid not, sir. Why? They have a 100% tariff, a 15% tariff, and a 20% tariff.

For the purpose of selling their Indian motorcycle, I remarked. They produce Indian motorcycles. For whatever reason, they were not conducting business, yet they are able to sell it into our nation tax and tariff free. I said,

You should start doing business with India because…” Nobody is interested since the price is too expensive. But what they want is for us to go over there and establish a plant, and then you won’t have to pay any tariff.

He said, “if India is charging us too, so what I want to have is a… call it retribution.”

It might be called whatever you want. We charge them if they’re going to bill us,” he stated in answer to a query.

Trump, who is presently facing a slew of court proceedings and charges, declared earlier in 2019 that the United States could no longer be misled under his leadership in an interview with CBS News.

We’re not the naive nation that always does poorly. The Indian government, led by Prime Minister (Narendra) Modi, a close personal friend of mine, has instituted a 100% tax on motorcycles. We don’t even have a fee.”

After Trump labelled it “unfair” and threatened to hike the tax on imports of Indian motorcycles to the US, India reduced the customs levy on the Wisconsin-based motorbike producer to 50% in 2018.

Former President Bush lamented that America is still seen as a “bank” that anybody can loot.

After the United States decided to end its prohibition on mango imports from India in 2007, Harley Davidson began selling their motorcycles in the country.



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