Vikram and Pragyan, two Indian moon rovers, have not yet heeded the wake-up call
Vikram and Pragyan, two Indian moon rovers, have not yet heeded the wake-up call

Chennai: Get up! Arise! Stop not till the extra objective is accomplished! This seems to be the message being sent to the nation’s lunar lander Vikram and rover Pragyan by the Indian space agency. But the two are sound asleep.

The Vikram lander and Pragyan rover have been attempted to communicate with in order to determine their wake-up status. No signals from them have been picked up as of yet. Contact-making efforts will continue, according to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).


According to ISRO, Vikram and Pragyan were placed to sleep on September 4 and 2, respectively, and were scheduled to be awakened on September 22.

The lander’s battery was stated to be completely charged by ISRO on September 4.

“The solar panel is positioned to catch the light on September 22, 2023, when the next dawn is anticipated. Keep the receiver on. I’m hoping for a productive start to another round of tasks! If not, it will remain there permanently as India’s lunar envoy, according to ISRO.

On August 23, India made it to the Moon, and its lander made a textbook touchdown on the lunar surface. Later, the rover began doing tests and rolled down.



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