We have always advocated for peace, Mirwaiz
We have always advocated for peace, Mirwaiz

Mirwaiz Umar Farooq made a moving return to Srinagar’s Jamia Masjid after more than four years of house imprisonment. He was dressed in white and gold ceremonial clothes.

The Hurriyat Chairman underlined his everlasting commitment to finding a “peaceful resolution” for the difficulties facing the people as he ascended the podium, visibly moved.


The Mirwaiz made his first appearance in 212 weeks at the Jamia Masjid in New York City, where he was enthusiastically welcomed by hundreds of worshippers.

Tears were streaming down his face as he made his way to the platform to give his address.

The news of his arrival at Jamia Masjid caused multitudes to congregate, and the air was filled with jubilant screams of “Mirwaiz, Mirwaiz.”

The Mirwaiz added in his speech to the Jamia Masjid crowd, “We have been classified as separatists, declared anti-national, and charged of disturbing the peace. However, we are not involved in this for any kind of ego or desire. Only the interests and ambitions of the people of Jammu & Kashmir are represented by us. We want to find a peaceful solution to their problems, but it has to be on their terms.

Regarding Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s comments made in the middle of the Russia-Ukraine crisis, he agreed that this was not the time for war.

“As Prime Minister Modi correctly said, this is not a time of war. We have always supported attempts to reach a settlement via conversation and reconciliation rather than through violent measures, and we have always held these beliefs. We have individually paid a price for taking this path. We are realist solution searchers, not so-called separatists or peacebreakers. The people of Jammu and Kashmir want a resolution and peace that brings prosperity along with it, but on their (the people’s) terms, the Mirwaiz stated. We have no personal ambitions other than to represent their interests and desires. “My colleagues and I in the APHC have always maintained that this is a matter that has to be addressed and resolved since the state of Jammu and Kashmir as it was in August 1947 was partitioned into sections that were part of Pakistan, China, and India. The international community has also endorsed this. Families and friends who live on different sides of an imaginary line that separates them desire to come together to share their lives, celebrate their accomplishments with one another, and mourn their losses with one another. For the people of Jammu and Kashmir, this is a human issue rather than a dispute over territory. We also want to advance beyond it.

Additionally, he said that “our Pandit brothers” should be returned to Kashmir.

The Mirwaiz stressed their commitment to establishing harmony between majority and minority groups, bridging gaps between the strong and the weak, and encouraging peaceful coexistence among many cultures and countries.

He made it clear that they have always argued for the repatriation of Kashmiri Pandits and opposed any efforts to convert this humanitarian issue into a political one.

“We have always supported the repatriation of Kashmiri Pandits and opposed politicising this human problem. A harsh approach to problem-solving is risky, the Mirwaiz said.

He pushed for the release of authorities, journalists, and advocates for human rights who are now held captive.

The Mirwaiz urged the kids to be patient and have faith that things will get better.

Finally, he stated, “I want to tell my young, who are the wealth of the nation, that I understand your thoughts but beg you to have patient, have faith, and improve your connection with the almighty and his word.



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