We must speak out against injustice as lawyers: Chandrachud, C.J
We must speak out against injustice as lawyers: Chandrachud, C.J

Bangalore, 26 August: On Saturday, Chief Justice Dr. D.Y. Chandrachud said, “As lawyers, we must make sure to stand up against discrimination and injustice.”

The Chief Justice of India (CJI) said in his speech at the famous National Law School of India (NSILU) University’s 31st annual convocation in Bengaluru that he had been informed that a young law student who went to an internship at a legal firm was asked what his caste was, and when he replied, he was advised not to return.


“This made me despondent. As solicitors, it is our responsibility to fight against injustice and prejudice. This demonstrates that certain attorneys are breaking the law, much alone maintaining the constitutional ideals, and we must make sure that these values are upheld, he said.

The Supreme Court is currently deliberating important constitutional concerns. We have a manual on gender stereotypes that we have published. We have shown why it is inappropriate to refer to women as housewives or as having been “ravished” or raped in modern India. The graduating class will be the ones to push change, and the technology you have in your hands is equivalent to fish in water. For us, it’s a process of learning, CJI Chandrachud said.



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