Jagmohan Singh Raina, Altaf Bukhari, sends his sympathies for the loss of his brother-in-law
Jagmohan Singh Raina, Altaf Bukhari, sends his sympathies for the loss of his brother-in-law

12 September, Srinagar Apni Party President Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari reiterated his call for the release of Kashmiri detainees, including notable religious figures like Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Moulana Manzoor, and said he would keep working to bring those who are in jail home so they can resume their regular lives with their families. He said that he has even spoken with the nation’s Prime Minister and Home Minister on the subject of detainees.

Bukhari expressed his delight with the release of eminent religious leaders Moulana Mushtaq Ahmad Veeri and Moulana Abdul Rashid Dawoodi in a statement released today. He said that he has long fought for the liberation of both of these leaders and other prisoners.


According to the statement, “I have long advocated for the release of all prisoners and have brought up this matter with the Prime Minister and Home Minister. I really feel that these inmates ought to be given a fair chance to resume living their regular lives.

The statement said, “Likewise, well-known religious leaders who are still behind bars must be released so that they can resume their religious responsibilities, assisting people in eradicating social evils, including the pervasive drug abuse.”

They have the ability to play a very beneficial and proactive role in the elimination of social problems that constitute a serious danger to our society given the amazing influence these religious leaders have over the general populace. stated Mr. Bukhari.

Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari urged the government to provide large incentives to local producers as a way to make up for the loss caused by the elimination of taxes on US goods in response to the removal of extra levies on apples and walnuts from the country.

“Before proposing a decrease in import taxes on US apples and walnuts, the federal government ought to have consulted local farmers. The government must, however, compensate local farmers by providing them with significant incentives now that it has made its choice, the statement stated.

It said, “It is essential that the government provide a comparable level of benefits to domestic farmers in the event that a 20% tax decrease is adopted on US apples and walnuts. They will be able to compete by maintaining market pricing versus imported fruits thanks to this.

The unfortunate accident involving a sliding boulder hitting the vehicle they were driving in on the National Highway close to Banihal resulted in the death of four people, and the president of the Apni Party expressed his profound grief over it.

“This accident highlights the environmental disruption caused by soil and hill manipulation near the highway,” he said. These regrettable occurrences are the fault of the earth removal companies.

“Those who contribute to such environmental hazards must be held accountable under the law,” he highlighted the need for responsibility. To find out how rocks fell down from the surrounding mountain, sending the vehicle into a narrow valley near Sher Bibi in Banihal, a CBI investigation into today’s catastrophe must be opened. The decision-makers who allowed dirt removal, which weakened the terrain, as well as the contractors involved, must be held accountable and prosecuted.



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